On Solo Travel

Every Adventure
Well, I've just finished up a stint of intense traveling. In the past six weeks or so I've got to Africa, driven 3,000 miles across the US, and done a whirlwind tour of Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Munich. It's been an amazing experience with a lot of lessons learned, that's for sure.

I had plenty of time to consider traveling as I sat on planes, in trains, and in taxi cabs, more specifically solo travel. While I was running around, I noticed very few solo travelers abroad. Is it that few people choose to adventure on their own, or was it simply that solo travelers tend to blend in much better than boisterous groups of families or friends? The few singles I noticed stood out; they carried giant backpacks, pausing on street corners to consider maps or glance at their phone for guidance.

I had the opportunity to discuss the differences of solo vs. group travel with a friend while sipping a beer in Germany, and we came to the agreement that both experiences had their ups and downs. The stressful moments of travel, such as a missed connection, a wrong turn, or a cultural misunderstanding are at best humorous and at worst an annoyance when shared with a friend. When alone, however, these moments might not be taken so lightheartedly. She and I agreed that we found getting lost in a new city with a partner is a chance for adventure, getting lost in a new city by yourself is worrying, to say the least.

Solo travel is not all stress though. I've found it to be a freeing experience. When with someone else, you're subject to their whims and moods. If you're lucky, you find a travel partner that's interested in the same type of experience as you, whether that's stuffing your day with tourist attractions or slowly taking in a city's cultural experiences. When by yourself, you're only responsible for making yourself happy. If you'd like to try every food a region is known for while skipping the tourist traps, you're free to do that. Eat when you want, sleep when you want, see what you want. It's all up to you.

I will say, that I think everyone should give solo travel a try. When you're forced to rely on yourself and only yourself in a strange place, I find you light the spark of an intoxicating sort of courage. And the trip does not need to be something lengthy or something big;
Whether you backpack your way through South America or your drive your car to explore the next town over, there's nothing that builds confidence like traveling alone.


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