On Frustration
So I won't say exactly where I live, because I'm eventually hoping this blog will find some readers and as flattering as it would be to have a total creepy stalker show up on my doorstop, I also think it would be terrifying. Anyway. What I will say, is that I live in a city. Not a huge city, not a tiny city, but a well-developed city that is (most unfortunately), lacking in lot of hiking trails that lead to beautiful, soaring vistas. The kind that are really popular with the Instagram crowd, y'know? We do have a few parks, one that goes through a pretty neat cypress swamp, but we're more of a beachy area than anything else. And while I do love the ocean and all the adventures it brings, I'm most at home in some old-growth forests, sweating up a trail and looking out over rolling hills and snowcapped mountain peaks. I'm originally from Seattle, and while I love my new home, I often daydream about being back and exploring everything the Cascades have to offer. ...